property VertGripsKind[g: integer]: TGripKind;
Specifies the style of the grip, g, on the vertical ruler (triangle, arrow, etc).
Grips with default style of gkTriangle:
◼The default style for grips is specified by
GripKindDefault. Use
VertGripsKind when you want individual grips with different styles
◼The style of the grip showing the current cursor position is specified by
CursorGripKind◼The size of the grip is specified by
GripWidth and
GripHeight// Set default style of grips to gkTriangle, but gkArrow2 to grips > 10
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.GripKindDefault := gkTriangle;
for i := 10 to ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsCount - 1 do
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsKind[ i ] := gkArrow2;
// Set the cursor grip to a red triangle
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsKind[ -1 ] := gkTriangle; // Same as setting CursorGripKind
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsColor[ -1 ] := clRed;
See Also