ImageEn, unit iemio




procedure PrintImages(Columns: integer = 2; Rows: integer = 2; HorizSpace: double = 0.5; VertSpace: double = 0.5; PrintSelected: boolean = false; Margins: double = 0; CellBorder: boolean = true; ShowText: boolean = true; DropShadow: boolean = false; BorderColor: TColor = clBlack; const Heading: string = ''; HeadingHeight: Integer = 5; HeadingColor: TColor = clBlack; ImageBorder: boolean = False); overload;
procedure PrintImages(PrtCanvas: TCanvas; Columns: integer = 2; Rows: integer = 2; HorizSpace: double = 0.5; VertSpace: double = 0.5; PrintSelected: boolean = false; MarginLeft: double = 0; MarginTop: double = 0; MarginRight: double = 0; MarginBottom: double = 0; CellBorder: boolean = true; ShowText: boolean = true; DropShadow: boolean = false; BorderColor: TColor = clBlack; const Heading: string = ''; HeadingHeight: Integer = 5; HeadingColor: TColor = clBlack; ImageBorder: boolean = False); overload;


Print multiple images (all or just selected) in the attached TImageEnMView or TIEMultiBitmap as rows and columns of thumbnails (contact sheets).

Parameter Description
PrtCanvas The canvas to bring to. Specify nil to use Printer.Canvas
Columns Specifies the number of columns of images across the page
Rows Specifies the number of rows of images down the page
HorizSpace The horizontal space in inches between images
VertSpace The vertical space in inches between images
PrintSelected Set to true to print only selected images
MarginLeft Page left margin in inches. By specifying all zero values, no margins are used
MarginTop Page top margin in inches. By specifying all zero values, no margins are used
MarginRight Page right margin in inches. By specifying all zero values, no margins are used
MarginBottom Page bottom margin in inches. By specifying all zero values, no margins are used
CellBorder Set to true to draw a box around the each image cell (space containing the area of the image and its text)
ShowText Set to true to draw text associated with every image. Note: The font of the text will be used, e.g. BottomTextFont
DropShadow Set to true to draw a shadow around the image
BorderColor Specifies the color of the box around the image or cell (i.e. when CellBorder or ImageBorder is True)
Heading Specifies the heading to print at the top of the page. If you append ### (e.g. 'Thumbnails###') it will append "Page x" to printed pages after the first one
HeadingHeight The height of the heading, as a PERCENTAGE of the overall page height, e.g. 5 will make the heading 5% of the page height
HeadingColor Specifies the color of the heading text
ImageBorder Set to true to draw a box around each thumbnail (edge of image)

You do not need to call Printer.BeginDoc/Printer.EndDoc unless the task is part of print job batch
The images will maintain their aspect ratio when stretched
Use the OnPrintPage or OnPrintPage event to customize the heading
If the component is attached only to a TIEMultiBitmap then you should specify the font of Printer.Canvas before printing


// Printing from a TImageEnMView
ImageEnMView1.MIO.PrintImages(6, 4);

// Printing images in a TIEMBitmap
MIO := TImageEnIO.Create;
MIO.AttachedIEMBitmap := mbmp;
Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := 14;
MIO.PrintImages(6, 4);

See Also
