Parameter | Description |
sFilename | The destination filename for these thumbnails. If all pages are being printed (see iPageNo) then this filename will be automatically adjusted in the format image.jpg, image_2.jpg, image_3.jpg, etc. |
iJpegQuality | If sFilename is a JPEG file then specify the output quality (e.g. 80) |
iImageWidth | The output width for the image (in pixels) |
iImageHeight | The output height for the image (in pixels) |
iColumns | Specifies how many thumbnails span across the page |
iRows | Specifies how many thumbnails span down the page |
iHorzSpace | The horizontal space between thumbnails (in pixels) |
iVertSpace | The vertical space between thumbnails (in pixels) |
bPrintSelectedOnly | Set to true to print only selected images. False to print all image in the TImageEnMView |
iHorzMargin | Page margin on left and right of the image (in pixels) |
iVertMargin | Page margin on top and bottom of the image (in pixels) |
CellBorder | Set to true to draw a box around the each image cell (space containing the area of the image and its text) |
ShowText | Set to true to draw text associated with every image. Note: The font of the text will be used, e.g. BottomTextFont |
DropShadow | Set to true to draw a shadow around the image |
BorderColor | Specifies the color of the box around the image or cell (i.e. when CellBorder or ImageBorder is True) |
Heading | Specifies the heading to print at the top of the page. If you append ### (e.g. 'Thumbnails###') it will append "Page x" to printed pages after the first one |
HeadingHeight | The height of the heading, as a PERCENTAGE of the overall page height, e.g. 5 will make the heading 5% of the page height |
HeadingColor | Specifies the color of the heading text |
iPageNo | The page of thumbnails to output. If this is -1 (default) then all pages are output and the filename is automatically incremented |
ImageBorder | Set to true to draw a box around each thumbnail (edge of image) |