ImageEn, unit ieopensavedlg |
Properties · Methods · Events · Demos · Examples
TOpenImageEnDialog = class(TIECommonDialog);
Displays a modal Windows dialog box for selecting and opening image files. It includes all properties, methods and events of the standard TOpenDialog. It also includes a preview window which displays all ImageEn supported file formats. If the file is an animated GIF, AVI video or a multi page TIFF, all images will be shown in sequence. The "Play" button can be activated to animate the sequence.
Image information is also shown, including dimensions, colors, file type, compression and file size
For more modern styled dialogs, enable
ModernDialog (Also see
◼You can also display an Open dialog for a
TImageEnView just by calling
ExecuteOpenDialog or for a
TImageEnMView by calling
◼If your application is likely to be scaled (i.e. display is not 100%) it is recommended that you enable
| Demos\ImageEditing\CompleteEditor\PhotoEn.dpr |
| Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr |
// Browse for an image in the My Pictures folder and display it in an ImageEnView
OpenImageEnDialog1.InitialDir := WindowsMyPicturesFolder();
If OpenImageEnDialog1.Execute then
ImageEnView1.LoadFromFile( OpenImageEnDialog1.Filename );
// Prompt user to insert multiple images into a TImageEnMView
OpenImageEnDialog1.Options := OpenImageEnDialog1.Options + [ofAllowMultiSelect];
if OpenImageEnDialog1.Execute then
ImageEnMView1.FillFromList( OpenImageEnDialog1.Files );
// Display only the first frame of videos and multi-frame images. This can improve performance
OpenImageEnDialog1.ShowAllFrames := False;
See Also