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 ImageEn 13.0: Questions on working with scanning with AcquireParams class

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stalker4 Posted - Jan 16 2025 : 05:40:04

Delphi 12.1, ImageEn 13.0.

1) Do I understand correctly that if I need specific properties of TWAIN or WIA interfaces (read/write) when working with AcquireParams, I can access them. specific properties of TWAIN or WIA interfaces (read/write), they can be accessed in the following way can be accessed in the following way:
with ImageEnMView.MIO do 
   if AcquireParams.SelectedSource.API = ieaTwain then
     AcquireParams.AttachedTwainParams.Brightness.CurrentValue := 50
  if AcquireParams.SelectedSource.API = ieaWIA then begin
    AcquireParams.AttachedWIAParams.GetItemPropertyAttrib(WIA_IPS_BRIGHTNESS, AcquireParams.AttachedWIAParams.Device, ieAttrib, ieValues);
    nMin := ieValues.Min

2) The TWAIN interface has AcceptedImages and StandardSize properties for setting the number of sheets and sheet size.
The WIA interface or TAcquireParams does not have these properties.
Question: WIA interface does not support these features (properties) or they are not implemented in your system ?

3) When saving the scan result to PDF
with ImageEnMView.MIO do
   for nCou := 0 to ImageEnMView.ImageCount-1 do begin
     Params[nCou].PDF_Compression := ioPDF_JPEG;
     Params[nCou].PDF_Creator := 'My Creater';

There are string properties, e.g. PDF_Creator or PDF_Author.
Question: In which encoding of them are the string data written to PDF ?
I need to understand how to write Cyrillic encoded strings to these fields.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jan 17 2025 : 18:32:59
2. Strictly speaking there is a page size property, WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE, but it has much more limited functionality than the Twain StandardSize. You could test that:

3. Yes, we have it on our to-do list.

Xequte Software
Stalker4 Posted - Jan 17 2025 : 03:50:57
2) Your answer is clear, but I find it strange that the WIA interface has no properties for page size or number of sheets of paper, it turns out that there are scanners with automatic sheet feeder, but it is impossible to control the number of sheets through WIA ....

3) Then there is a suggestion, if possible, to add properties for Unicode string format there.
xequte Posted - Jan 16 2025 : 19:43:06

1. Yes, you can either use the AcquireParams properties which set the Twain/WIA properties, or you can set them directly via AttachedTwainParams/AttachedWIAParams. The result will be the same.

2. There are not equivalent properties in WIA

3. At this time, only ANSI strings are supported

Xequte Software