The IETIFFHandler type exposes the following methods.
Public Protected | Instance Static | Declared Inherited | XNA Framework Only .NET Compact Framework Only |
Member | Description | |
CopyTag(Int32, Int32, IETIFFHandler, Int32) | Copies a tag from another IETIFFHandler object (that is, from another TIFF). Applications obtain srcTagIndex calling IETIFFHandler.FindTag. | |
DeletePage(Int32) |
Deletes the specified page.
| |
DeleteTag(Int32, Int32) |
Deletes the specified tag.
| |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExchangePage(Int32, Int32) |
Exchanges specified pages.
| |
Finalize()()()() |
This is the default destructor.
(Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().) | |
FindTag(Int32, Int32) |
Find the first occurrence of a tag (code) returning its index.
| |
FreeData()()()() |
Frees TIFF data loaded write Read methods. Useful when you need to reuse the same class or want free memory immediately.
| |
GetFloat(Int32, Int32) |
Reads a float tag (first item if it is an array).
| |
GetFloat(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Reads a float tag.
| |
GetHashCode()()()() | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetInteger(Int32, Int32) |
Reads an integer tag (first item if it is an array).
| |
GetInteger(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Reads an integer tag.
| |
GetPagesCount()()()() |
Returns the number of pages.
| |
GetString(Int32, Int32) |
Reads a string tag.
| |
GetTagCode(Int32, Int32) |
Returns the tag code (TIFF code).
| |
GetTagDescription(Int32, Int32) |
Returns a brief description (in English) of a tag code following TIFF 6 standard.
| |
GetTagLength(Int32, Int32) |
Returns the number of items contained in the tag (for example when it represents an array).
| |
GetTagLengthInBytes(Int32, Int32) |
Returns the tag length in bytes.
| |
GetTagsCount(Int32) |
Returns the number of tags of specified page.
| |
GetTagType(Int32, Int32) | Returns the tag type. You have to use this method to choise among GetInteger, GetString and GetFloat methods. | |
GetType()()()() | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetValueAsString(Int32, Int32) | Reads a tag as string even it is not a string. Note: for array values only the first 100 elements are included. | |
InsertPage(Int32) |
Inserts a new blank page at specified index.
| |
InsertPage(Stream, Int32) |
Inserts a supported image file.
| |
InsertPage(String, Int32) |
Inserts a supported image file.
| |
InsertPage(IEImage, Int32) |
Inserts an IEImage.
| |
InsertPage(Int32, IETIFFHandler, Int32) |
Inserts a page of source handler into specified index.
| |
InsertTIFF(Stream, Int32) |
Inserts all pages of the TIFF contained in the specified stream.
| |
InsertTIFF(String, Int32) |
Inserts all pages of the specified TIFF file.
| |
MemberwiseClone()()()() | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MovePage(Int32, Int32) |
Moves specified page to a new position.
| |
Read(Stream) |
Reads a TIFF from the stream, from current position. You have to use this method before ad or write any tag.
| |
Read(String) |
Opens and reads the specified TIFF file. You have to use this method before read or write any tag.
| |
SaveTag(Int32, Int32, String) |
Saves the tag data to a file.
| |
SetFloat(Int32, Int32, Double) |
Writes a floating point tag as Rational type.
| |
SetFloat(Int32, Int32, IETagType, Double) |
Writes a floating point tag.
| |
SetInteger(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Writes an integer tag without specify the integer type.
| |
SetInteger(Int32, Int32, IETagType, Int32) |
Writes an integer tag.
| |
SetString(Int32, Int32, String) |
Writes a string tag.
| |
SetTagCode(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Sets the TIFF code (also named tag-id). This is used to change an already existing tag-id.
| |
SetValueAsString(Int32, Int32, IETagType, String) |
Writes a generic value.
| |
ToString()()()() | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Write(Stream) |
Writes the modified TIFF to a stream.
| |
Write(String) |
Writes the modified TIFF to a file.
| |
Write(Stream, Int32) |
Writes the specified page to a stream (TIFF).
| |
Write(String, Int32) |
Writes the specified page to a file (TIFF).