Specifies the byte order of the last loaded image.

This property is readonly, because IEvolution uses always LittleEndian when saves TIFF.

BigEndian byte order is used by Motorola and PowerPC (non Intel Macintosh), while LittleEndian is used by Intel processors.

This function is useful, for example, in InsertTIFFImageFile because this function just merges the two tiff images, without decoding them.

If the images have different byte order the resulting TIFF is un-readable.

Namespace: HiComponents.IEvolution
Assembly: IEvolution2 (in IEvolution2.dll) Version:


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public IOParams..::..TIFFByteOrder TIFF_ByteOrder { get; set; }
Public Property TIFF_ByteOrder As IOParams..::..TIFFByteOrder
property IOParams..::..TIFFByteOrder TIFF_ByteOrder {
	IOParams..::..TIFFByteOrder get ();
	void set (IOParams..::..TIFFByteOrder value);

See Also