Declaration KeyboardShortcuts: TIEKeyboardShortcuts ; Description
Specifies all keyboard shortcuts used by
TImageEnView layers ,
TImageEnMView ,
TIERichEdit and memo objects.
Individual shortcuts can be customized and disabled.
Defaults are as follows:
Type Shortcut
iesLeftAlign Ctrl+L
iesCenterAlign Ctrl+E
iesRightAlign Ctrl+R
iesJustified Ctrl+J
iesCopy Ctrl+C
iesCut Ctrl+X
iesPaste Ctrl+V
iesFontSelect Ctrl+D
iesBold Ctrl+B
iesItalic Ctrl+I
iesUnderline Ctrl+U
iesBackColorSelect Ctrl+G
iesIncreaseFontSize Ctrl+Period
iesDecreaseFontSize Ctrl+Comma
iesClearFormatting Ctrl+Space
iesSelectAll Ctrl+A
iesProperties Alt+Return
iesDelete Delete
iesSendBackward Ctrl+[
iesBringForward Ctrl+]
iesEditText F2
iesIncreaseBorder Ctrl+Period
iesDecreaseBorder Ctrl+Comma
iesIncreaseCurve Alt+Up
iesDecreaseCurve Alt+Down
iesInvertAngle Alt+I
iesFind Ctrl+F
iesFindNext Shift+F4
iesReplace Ctrl+H
iesRename F2
iesRefresh F5
iesOpenParent Alt+Left
iesSystemMenu Shift+F10
◼ These options do not affect
ImageEn Actions . Edit the shortcut in each action directly instead.
◼ Shortcuts for TImageEnViewToolbar/TIERichEditToolbar and be disabled by setting
KeyboardShortcuts := False;
TIELayer Shortcuts
Description Type Shortcut
Move layer - Cursor Keys (Hold Shift to move faster)
Resize layer - Ctrl+Cursor Keys (Hold Shift to size faster)
Remove the current layer (Deletion can be disabled using loPreventLayerDelete ) iesDelete Delete
Edit the text of the current layer iesEditText F2
Select next layer (Hold Shift to get previous) - Ctrl+Tab
Move layer forward (Hold Shift to move to very front) iesBringForward Ctrl+]
Send layer back (Hold Shift to move to very back) iesSendBackward Ctrl+]
Increase the size of the font of a text or line layer, or the border iesIncreaseFontSize Ctrl+Period
Decrease the size of the font of a text or line layer, or the border iesDecreaseFontSize Ctrl+Comma
Display the Properties Dialog iesProperties Alt+Enter
Select all layers iesSelectAll Ctrl+A
Select the font for a text or line layer iesFontSelect Ctrl+D
Toggle bold of the font of a text or line layer iesBold Ctrl+B
Toggle italics of the font of a text or line layer iesItalic Ctrl+I
Toggle underline of the font of a text or line layer iesUnderline Ctrl+U
Align text left (top) iesLeftAlign Ctrl+L (Hold Shift to align to top)
Align text center iesCenterAlign Ctrl+E (Hold Shift to to vertically center)
Align text right (top) iesRightAlign Ctrl+R (Hold Shift to align to bottom)
Justify text iesJustified Ctrl+J
Cut layer to clipboard iesCut Ctrl+X
Copy layer to clipboard iesCopy Ctrl+C
Paste layer from clipboard iesPaste Ctrl+V
Cancel text editing or line or polyline insertion - Escape
Enact text editing or polyline insertion - Enter
Invert the angle of an layer (e.g. 90° will become 270°) iesInvertAngle Alt+I
Increase the curve of a line layer iesIncreaseCurve Alt+Up
Decrease the curve of a line layer iesDecreaseCurve Alt+Down
Clear the formatting from a rich formatted text layer iesClearFormatting Ctrl+Space
Increase the width of the border or line iesIncreaseBorder Ctrl+Period
Decrease the width of the border or line iesDecreaseBorder Ctrl+Comma
Select a fill color for the layer iesBackColorSelect Ctrl+G
◼ Disable all keyboard shortcuts for layers by removing
loKeyboardShortcuts from
◼ Disable other keyboard shortcuts of TImageEnView (e.g. for selection movement and interactive tools) using
TImageEnMView/TImageEnFolderMView Shortcuts
* Only available in TImageEnFolderMView , not TImageEnMView
TIERichEdit Shortcuts
Description Type Shortcut
Cut to Clipboard iesCut Ctrl+X
Copy to Clipboard iesCopy Ctrl+C
Paste from Clipboard iesPaste Ctrl+V
Align text left iesLeftAlign Ctrl+L
Center text iesCenterAlign Ctrl+E
Align text right iesRightAlign Ctrl+R
Justify text iesJustified Ctrl+J
Apply bold formatting iesBold Ctrl+B
Apply italic formatting iesItalic Ctrl+I
Apply underline formatting iesUnderline Ctrl+U
Open the Font dialog box iesFontSelect Ctrl+D
Removes all formatting from selection iesClearFormatting Ctrl+Space
Decrease the size of the font iesDecreaseFontSize Ctrl+Comma
Increase the size of the font iesIncreaseFontSize Ctrl+Period
Show Find dialog iesFind Ctrl+F
Find Next iesFindNext Shift+F4
Show Replace dialog iesReplace Ctrl+H
Select all text iesSelectAll Ctrl+A
Note: Disable all keyboard shortcuts in TIERichEdit by setting
KeyboardShortcuts := False;
// Use Ctrl+M to center text IEGlobalSettings().KeyboardShortcuts[iesCenterAlign] := ShortCut( Word('M'), [ssCtrl] ); // Disable Select All (e.g. of layers) IEGlobalSettings().KeyboardShortcuts[ iesSelectAll ] := 0;