
Testing of Painting and Alpha Methods

The "Every Method" editing demo allows you to preview over 250 editing, analysis and effects methods.

All Test Results
  Analysis Methods
  Color Adjustment Methods
  Color Depth Methods
  Detection Methods
  Effects Methods
  Filter Methods
  Geometric Methods
  Painting and Alpha Methods
  Smoothing Methods
  Other Methods

 Test Images

ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\ImageTest1.jpg' );



// Gradient fill the alpha channel with fully transparent on the left to fully opaque on the right
ImageEnView1.Proc.AlphaFill( 0, 255, gdHorizontal );



// Flood file transparency from the top-left of the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.CastAlpha( 0, 0, 0, 50 );



// Perform a red flood fill starting at 0,0 (with a tolerance of 10)
ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColor( 0, 0, clRed, 10 );



// Change all dark values (from dark gray to black) to black
ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColorRange( CreateRGB(0, 0, 0),
                                  CreateRGB(100, 100, 100),
                                  CreateRGB(0, 0, 0));



// Make colors similar to white transparent and then feather the alpha edges
ImageEnView1.Proc.SetTransparentColors( CreateRGB( 156, 156, 156 ), CreateRGB( 255, 255, 255 ), 0 );
ImageEnView1.Proc.FeatherAlphaEdges( 10 );



// Fill selection with red
ImageEnView1.Proc.Fill( clRed );



// Fill selection with a yellow to red vertical gradient
ImageEnView1.Proc.GradientFill( clYellow, clRed, gdVertical );



// Draw a black pixel every 10 pixels horizontally and vertically
ImageEnView1.Proc.PaintMark( 10, CreateRGB(0, 0, 0) );



// Draw a pointer over the image (where background is close to white)
// Set PaintPenMarker_Background_Tolerance to MAXINT to force pointer drawing
ImageEnView1.Proc.PaintPenMarker( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width div 5,
                                  ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height div 8,
                                  clRed, clWhite, PaintPenMarker_Background_Tolerance );



// Fill with pixels of random values (Gaussian distribution)



// Load Chroma-Key image
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( C:\ChromaKey.jpg );

// Guess the background color
KeyColorRGB := ImageEnView1.Proc.GuessChromaKeyColor();

// Remove Chromakey from the image (will become transparent)
ImageEnView1.Proc.RemoveChromaKey( KeyColorRGB, 0.21, 30, 2, 0 );


// Make colors similar to white transparent
ImageEnView1.Proc.SetTransparentColors( CreateRGB(255, 255, 255), 50, 0 );


See Also

 Analysis Methods
 Color Adjustment Methods
 Color Depth Methods
 Detection Methods
 Effects Methods
 Filter Methods
 Geometric Methods
 Painting and Alpha Methods
 Smoothing Methods
 Other Methods