ImageEn, unit iexLayers



TIELayerFeatures = (ielfBorder, ielfFill, ielfGradient, ielfRotation, ielfMoveRotationCenter, ielfTextEditing, ielfPointEditing, ielfShape, ielfAspectRatio, ielfFont);


Kind Description Supported By
ielfBorder Layer has a border or line that can be adjusted using BorderColor and BorderWidth All
ielfFill Layer has a solid fill that can be adjusted using FillColor TIEShapeLayer, TIELineLayer (only if label or end shapes are visible), TIEPolylineLayer (only if PolylineClosed=True), TIETextLayer
ielfGradient If the solid fill can be gradiated using FillColor2 and FillGradient TIEShapeLayer, TIELineLayer (only if LabelText is set), TIETextLayer
ielfRotation Can be rotated by setting Rotate or using mlRotateLayers All
ielfMoveRotationCenter The center of layer rotation can be moved by setting RotateCenterX or moving the center grip with mlRotateLayers TIEImageLayer
ielfTextEditing The layer has a text property and is not set to read-only TIETextLayer, TIELineLayer (only if LabelText is set)
ielfPointEditing The layer has a points (i.e. TIELineLayer, TIEPolylineLayer or TIEAngleLayer) that can be edited with mlEditLayerPoints TIELineLayer, TIEPolylineLayer or TIEAngleLayer
ielfShape The layer has a shape property, i.e. TIEShapeLayer.Shape TIELineLayer.LabelShape (if label is visible) or BorderShape TIEShapeLayer, TIETextLayer, TIELineLayer (only if LabelText is set)
ielfAspectRatio The aspect ratio of the layer can be restored using RestoreAspectRatio. I.e. it is an image, shape, text or polyline layer with a modified aspect ratio Potentially all
ielfFont The layer has a font property, e.g. TIELineLayer.LabelFont, TIETextLayer.Font or TIEAngleLayer.LabelFont TIETextLayer, TIELineLayer or TIEAngleLayer


// Show border color selector if layer type supports it
btnSelBorder.Enabled := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfBorder );

// Show fill color selector if layer type supports it
btnSelFill.Enabled := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfFill );

// Show gradient selector if layer type supports it
btnGradient.Enabled := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfGradient );

// Determine if the current layer type can be rotated
canRotate := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfRotation );

// Determine if the current layer type can be rotated
canRotate := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfRotation );

// Text can currently be edited for this layer
edtText.Enabled := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfTextEditing );

// Points can be edited by setting ImageEnView1.MouseInteractLayers := [ mlEditLayerPoints ];
btnEditPoints.Enabled := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfPointEditing );

// Enable Shape editor if a shape can be set for current layer
cmbShape.Enabled := ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.SupportsFeature( ielfShape );